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The Embedding controller transform the text into high-dimensional vectors. These vectors encapsulate the semantic meaning of texts, enabling a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications:

  • Semantic search: Enhances search functionalities by focusing on the meaning behind queries rather than just matching keywords.
  • Text clustering: Group similar pieces of text, making it easier to organize large datasets.
  • Similarity comparison: Measure how similar two pieces of text are, useful for recommendation systems or deduplicating content.

Supported Providers

Choose from different AI providers for embedding generation: openai, cohere, replicate, gemini.


Provide the following parameters to use the embedding:

  • provider: Identifier for the chosen AI provider (e.g., 'openai', 'cohere', 'gemini').
  • apiKey: The authentication key required by the provider.
  • texts: An array of strings. Each string can be a word, sentence, or paragraph.

Optional Parameters:

  • model: Specifies the model variant from the provider for generating embeddings, if applicable.


Here's how to set up and use intellinode for generating vectors:

const { RemoteEmbedModel } = require('intellinode');

// instantiate the embedding controller
const embedModel = new RemoteEmbedModel('your_provider_api_key', 'openai');

// prepare the input
const textsToEmbed = ["This is a sentence.", "Exploring AI capabilities with IntelliNode."];

// generate and print embeddings
embedModel.getEmbeddings(textsToEmbed).then(embeddings => console.log(embeddings)).catch(err => console.error(err));