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Templates allow to merge the user instructions with inputs from previous step before executing the agent. By using templates, you can ensure that your agents receive inputs in a controlled flow.

Writing Your Own Template

To create a custom template, your class should extend the Template abstract class and implement the apply_input and apply_output methods. While apply_output can be left unimplemented if not needed, apply_input is crucial for formatting the task input.

TextInputTemplate Example

The TextInputTemplate is a example for text-based inputs.

class TextInputTemplate(Template):

def __init__(self, template_text: str, previous_input_tag='context', user_request_tag='user request'):
# Ensure the template text includes placeholders for dynamic content
if '{0}' not in template_text:
context = previous_input_tag + ': {0}\n'
request = user_request_tag + ': ' + template_text
template_text = context + request

self.template_text = template_text.strip()

def apply_input(self, data):
# Format the input data using the template
return self.template_text.format(data)

def apply_output(self, data):
# This method can be left unimplemented if output manipulation is not required


Prepare the template instance.

from intelli.flow.template.basic_template import TextInputTemplate

# define the template text
template_text = "Context: {0}\nuser request:"

# create an instance of TextInputTemplate
text_template = TextInputTemplate(template_text)

Initiate the Task

from intelli.flow.tasks.task import Task
from intelli.flow.input.agent_input import TextAgentInput
from intelli.flow.agents.agent import Agent

# create the agent
text_agent = Agent(
mission='analyze sentiment',
model_params={'key': 'YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY', 'model': 'gpt-3'}

# create the task and pass the template
task = Task(task_input=TextAgentInput("This is a sample text."), agent=text_agent, template=text_template, log=True)